. // // Alexey A.Znayev, znaeff@mail.ru, http://xbsoft.org, http://xbsoft.ru // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This file contains public class DNSBL // This class performs IP address check in spam blocking lists as described // on http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/RBL class DNSBL { private $_aCheckers = array( // list of checkers available for individual checking 'spamhaus' => array('.zen.spamhaus.org', true), //available for group checking with 'all' key 'spamcop' => array('.bl.spamcop.net', true), //available for group checking with 'all' key 'dsbl' => array('.list.dsbl.org', false), //not available for group checking with 'all' key 'ordb' => array('.relays.ordb.org', false), //not available for group checking with 'all' key 'sorbs' => array('.dnsbl.sorbs.net', false), //not available for group checking with 'all' key 'njabl' => array('.dnsbl.njabl.org', false) //not available for group checking with 'all' key ); // AZ - 1. Key 'all' is illegal // AZ - 2. Most of spammer IP addresses is covered by 'spamhaus' & 'spamcop' (and they are fast), // some of the rest may not work sometimes, you can make them group checking available after individual testing private $_sDefaultChecker = 'spamhaus'; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CheckSpamIP - check IP for spam in checkers : given, default or all available for group checking (may be slow) // parameters: // string $ip - ip address // string $checker - checker name or 'all' or nothing // returns: // true when IP exitsts in spam-lists of $checker or at least one of all checkers // false when not or when ip address is local or not correct public function CheckSpamIP($ip, $checker = ''){ if(empty($ip)) return false; if(preg_match('/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/', $ip) != 1) return false; $octets = explode('.', $ip); if($octets[0] == '127') return false; if($octets[0] == '10') return false; if($octets[0] == '192' && $octets[0] == '168') return false; if($octets[0] == '169' && $octets[0] == '254') return false; // ms windows if((int)$octets[0] > 255 || (int)$octets[1] > 255 || (int)$octets[2] > 255 || (int)$octets[3] > 255 ) return false; $ret_val = false; $PTR = implode(array_reverse($octets), '.'); if($checker === 'all'){ foreach(array_values($this->_aCheckers) as $c){ if($c[1]){ $ret_val = $ret_val || $this->_CheckDNSAnswer(dns_get_record($PTR . $c[0], DNS_A)); } if($ret_val) break; } }else if(array_key_exists($checker, $this->_aCheckers)){ $ret_val = $this->_CheckDNSAnswer(dns_get_record($PTR . $this->_aCheckers[$checker][0], DNS_A)); }else{ $ret_val = $this->_CheckDNSAnswer(dns_get_record($PTR . $this->_aCheckers[$this->_sDefaultChecker][0], DNS_A)); } return $ret_val; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetCheckers - gets list of available checker names // returns: // array of strings public function GetCheckers(){ return array_keys($this->_aCheckers); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetGroupCheckers - gets list of checker names available for group checking with 'all' key // returns: // array of strings public function GetGroupCheckers(){ $ret_val = array(); foreach(array_keys($this->_aCheckers) as $k) if($this->_aCheckers[$k][1]) array_push($ret_val, $k); return $ret_val; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetDefaultChecker - gets default checker name // returns: // string public function GetDefaultChecker(){ return $this->_sDefaultChecker; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetDefaultChecker - sets default checker name // parameters: // string $new_checker - new default checker name // returns: // true when success // false when failed ($new_checker is not in the list of available checker names) public function SetDefaultChecker($new_checker){ if(array_key_exists($new_checker, $this->_aCheckers)){ $this->_sDefaultChecker = $new_checker; return true; }else{ return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EnableGroupChecking - sets checker available for group checking // parameters: // string $checker - checker name // returns: // true when success ($checker is included) // false when failed ($checker is not in the list of available checker names) public function EnableGroupChecking($checker){ if(array_key_exists($checker, $this->_aCheckers)){ $this->_aCheckers[$checker][1] = true; return true; }else{ return false; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DisableGroupChecking - sets checker not available for group checking // parameters: // string $checker - checker name // returns: // true when success ($checker is excluded) // false when failed ($checker is not in the list of available checker names) public function DisableGroupChecking($checker){ if(array_key_exists($checker, $this->_aCheckers)){ $this->_aCheckers[$checker][1] = false; return true; }else{ return false; } } // private methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _CheckDNSAnswer - checks DNS-server answer for 127.0.0.* values // returns: // true when success // false when failed private function _CheckDNSAnswer($dns_answer){ if(!is_array($dns_answer)) return false; $len = count($dns_answer); if($len <= 0) return false; for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++){ $obj = $dns_answer[$i]; if(!(is_object($obj) || is_array($obj))) return false; $ip_str = $obj['ip']; if(!is_string($ip_str)) return false; $pos = strpos($ip_str, '127.0.0.'); if($pos !== false) return true; } return false; } } // end of class DNSBL ?> Comments on: My first 3d print http://c-aurich.de/wordpress/2012/07/my-first-3d-print/ all about my personal interests Wed, 30 Nov 2016 23:41:07 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.28 By: Christian http://c-aurich.de/wordpress/2012/07/my-first-3d-print/comment-page-1/#comment-5390 Thu, 06 Dec 2012 19:38:43 +0000 http://c-aurich.de/wordpress/?p=415#comment-5390 It works quite well besides that issues that you can read all over the internet. This ist for example the plastic bearrings – these are totally crappy and should be replaced as soon as possible.
Also I do not really like the hot end because it leaks a bit, what causes plastic to drip down on your print… if that gets hard your printer can hang on that and you get lost steps which messes up your whole print.

But these are the known issues that are common for thes cheapie printers – basically you will get what you pay for 😉

By: Ian http://c-aurich.de/wordpress/2012/07/my-first-3d-print/comment-page-1/#comment-5345 Wed, 05 Dec 2012 21:36:38 +0000 http://c-aurich.de/wordpress/?p=415#comment-5345 Hey Christian,
I saw your video on youtube. I just ordered an H1 printer and I was wondering how yours was working out for you?


By: Bine http://c-aurich.de/wordpress/2012/07/my-first-3d-print/comment-page-1/#comment-1317 Sat, 18 Aug 2012 19:38:34 +0000 http://c-aurich.de/wordpress/?p=415#comment-1317 Impressed.
