I just wanted to use a Brother P-touch QL570 printer on a Raspberry Pi that is used as “Desktop PC” replacement for web-based applications.
Here is how to setup the printer:
1. connect the printer to power and to the PI (via USB)
2. install cups and the printer driver on the pi:
sudo apt-get install cups printer-driver-ptouch
3. set up user rights:
sudo usermod -aG lpadmin pi
This steps enables you to access cups administration pages in the next step
4. install the printer in cups:
– open a browser and go to http://localhost:631
– when asked for a password use user “pi” and password “raspberry”
– add a new printer, select the QL570 which is locally connected
– use the driver for QL550 when asked for the driver you want to use
5. finish – enjoy printing