My first 3d print

Yeeehaaa – I finaly got my first 3d print that was not totally messed up.

I had a lot of experimenting with the belt tension and the endless settings for the slicer software. But finally I got it working. The printquality is not perfect – but I will tune it later for a better print quality. When I have final settings they will be published – but this might take some more time 😉


first 3d print result

For those who do not know 3d printing well: the layer below the cylinder is called “raft” and it is used to get an flat surface where you can print at. The second use of this is to prevent the printed object to stick to much to the printing platform.

3 Replies to “My first 3d print”

  1. Hey Christian,
    I saw your video on youtube. I just ordered an H1 printer and I was wondering how yours was working out for you?


    1. It works quite well besides that issues that you can read all over the internet. This ist for example the plastic bearrings – these are totally crappy and should be replaced as soon as possible.
      Also I do not really like the hot end because it leaks a bit, what causes plastic to drip down on your print… if that gets hard your printer can hang on that and you get lost steps which messes up your whole print.

      But these are the known issues that are common for thes cheapie printers – basically you will get what you pay for 😉

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